Memories from my teens

There may be a bit of autobiography in most works of fiction; we write best about what we know best. In any case, there is a lot in my short story “Inventions”, just published in OpenDoor Magazine on the theme of Labyrinth.

I’ve changed names, and my narrator’s life is fictional in most respects, but the description of his boyhood pal’s invention of an electric lawnmower is straight from my vivid memory, as is the huge sled in its shower of sparks.

I never got to any of my high school reunions: the folks moved from New Jersey to Long Island to Ohio during my college years. But if I’d been able to keep up with my real-life boyhood pal, I fear the real-life story would have ended as I’ve ended the story.

I’m sorry the OpenDoor creators are giving it up, but understand; a lot of hard work for little if any profit. But I’ll miss them; this is the fourth piece of mine they’ve published it. Find my Inventions ==>>online and scroll down to page 69.

Or, easier, read it ==>>right here
